Best Selling Federal Books

The U.S. Government Bookstore highlights our best-selling Federal publications chosen by our customers over the past year. February’s best-seller feature, Civics Flash Cards for the Naturalization Test, asks important questions about U.S. history, such as the supreme law of the land in America. This question and others are part of the updated civics flash cards to help individuals study for the U.S. Naturalization test. There’s no better way to learn about the basics of preparing for the U.S. Naturalization test than the 100 questions and answers deck of flashcards produced by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. Whether you are an immigrant reviewing facts for the naturalization test or any American citizen who may want a refresher about the American government and history, this flashcard set is one of the easiest educational tools for you to use.

To recap, the definition of “best-selling” can vary but generally refers to publications with exceptionally high sales figures. Here are a few notable topics that cover some of our most popular publications that deeply resonate with readers, securing their place as best-sellers.

  • Civics and Citizenship: Preparing to become a United States citizen and learning about the American system of government is extremely popular with our customers each year.
  • NASA Publications: From stunning space exploration imagery to scientific reports and educational materials, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) publications capture the public’s imagination and inform them about the universe and our place in it.
  • Tax Guides: The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) publishes annual tax guides covering individual and business income taxes. While primarily instructional, these guides are in high demand during tax season, making them consistent best-sellers.

We will continue highlighting some of our customers’ favorite government publications in the upcoming months—stay tuned!


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About the author: Blogger Trudy Hawkins is the Senior Marketing & Promotions Specialist in GPO’s Publication & Information Sales Office supporting the U.S. Government Online Bookstore (

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